Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, March 13, 2025


New Missing Middle: Filling the K-12 Science and Engineering Gap

The other missing middle is that yawning gap in our primary and secondary education systems – the K-12 years. Here's what the NASA Office of Education is doing about ...Full Article

Hardworking Design Made in the U.S.A.

A new generation of American design is about to make its move -- HPC can help.Full Article

Blue Collar Computing Revisited: Lessons Learned

A detailed and thoughtful look at how the Ohio Supercomputer Center has addressed the challenges associated with providing HPC to small- and medium-sized manufacturers. It hasn't been easy, but ...Full Article

You Gotta Know When to Fold ‘Em

Not long ago, a group of gamers did in ten days what a world’s worth of molecular biologists had been unable to accomplish in more than a decade: collaborating ...Full Article

Notes from the European COMSOL Multiphysics Conference

Wolfgang Gentzsch surveys conference participants and finds that many, despite the use of workstations, PCs and a few HPC clusters, are experiencing severe resource limitations.Full Article

How To Make a Safer, More Comfortable Firefighter’s Mask

What's your head shape? Are you oval like an egg, round like a pumpkin, or maybe more like a turnip? Your cranial configuration literally becomes a burning issue if ...Full Article

Clean Tech Sector Embracing Sustainable Design

Creating eco-friendly products starts with the design process.Full Article

High Performance Computing for Manufacturing – Why Is It Not Used Everywhere?

"Manufacturing is a key part of our economy." This is more than a cliché. It is the basis of wealth creation and the source of the goods that we ...Full Article

Floating All Boats: A Conversation with NCSA’s Merle Giles

If you'e simulating the universe, it helps to have a machine like NASA's Pleiades supercomputer. But if you want to use a supercomputer to design a better aircraft wing ...Full Article

Digital Manufacturing Report Card: Who’s Finding the Missing Middle?

Numerous initiatives from government and industry have been created to address the "Missing Middle" — small manufacturers who have not adopted the digital manufacturing techniques of computer-aided modeling and ...Full Article
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