Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Saturday, February 22, 2025


Case Study: Engineering ISV Uses Cloud Computing to Increase Productivity in Mining Operations

DEM Solutions designs software that helps mining companies optimize ore-handling equipment. To help customers more quickly calibrate models with physical ore-flow tests, it created an offering that uses Windows ...Full Article

CFD Is on a Roll

Advanced modeling software helps manufacturing companies work smarter and faster.Full Article

The Pros and Cons of Software Simplication

Should design software be simplified to promote ease of use, or do software complexities provide a barrier against incompetence?Full Article

Dassault Systèmes: CAD Is Not Dead

It's a brave new world for design software.Full Article

Cloud Computing and the Resurgence of Small- to Medium-Sized Manufacturers

Cloud computing has many of the same goals as time-sharing, and has the added benefit of four decades of technological advances to support its mission of bringing affordable computing ...Full Article

Milk and Cookies To Go: A New Packaging Concept Is Born

Extensive research into consumer eating habits — from rising obesity rates and the latest dietary guidelines to on-the-go food consumption — provided the impetus for Emergent Technologies to create ...Full Article

Designing Bicycle Wheels in the Cloud

While riding a bike may be easy, the aerodynamics involved in wheel design are complex, requiring powerful CFD software running on high-performance computer systems. The simulations generate so much ...Full Article

A PIC for Bob

There's no denying the business benefits of modeling and simulation, but smaller manufacturers rarely have the capital resources to invest in these tools. Now a new effort is underway ...Full Article

Altair’s Approach to Solving the Software Licensing Problem

Licensing is one of the major stumbling blocks to the spread of digital manufacturing technology among small- to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs). Rapid advances in CAE software, especially in modeling ...Full Article

From Safety to EcoBoost: HPC Enables Innovation and Productivity at Ford Motor Company

After an intense 30-year working relationship with supercomputers — ranging from early water-cooled Crays to today's commodity clusters — engineers at the Ford Motor Company view modeling and simulation ...Full Article
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