Some Like IT Cold: Intelligence Agencies Push for Low-Power Exascale
Like the rest of the research world, intelligence agencies are facing some difficult challenges when it comes to fielding the next generation of supercomputers. To help usher in a ...Full Article
Opinion: Actually, Plenty
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/DMR_Crysis2.jpg" alt="" width="68" height="78" />Far be it from me to condemn another writer’s work, but honestly, ExtremeTech’s Sebastian Anthony just published an article that is bogglingly ...Full Article
Supercomputing Propels America Forward
Research at Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility is setting the stage for a generation of more energy-efficient, lower emission vehicles.Full Article
High-Risk, Big Payoffs from DOE’s ASCR Leadership Computing Research Program
Through its ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC), the DOE's Advanced Scientific Computing Research program offers up to 30 percent of its computational resources at NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific ...Full Article