Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, February 21, 2025


WaveMaker Leverages Docker for App Delivery

Application development and delivery software unveiled by apps specialist WaveMaker leverages Docker container technology to help improve management of application infrastructures, or what the company calls "application platforms-as-a-service." The ...Full Article

Red Hat Upgrades Satellite Management, Hints at Container Tools

Red Hat continues to expand its cloud management toolkit with the release of its Satellite 6 suite as the open-source specialist sharpens its focus on areas like subscription management ...Full Article

VMware To Complete Storage Virtualization With VVols

VMware launched its Virtual SAN (VSAN) hyperconverged storage for its vSphere virtualized servers last fall and started shipping it this spring and has seen very good uptake of the ...Full Article

A Sneak Peek At VMware EVO:RACK Cluster Appliances

Contrary to some of the rumors going around ahead of the “Project Marvin” EVO cluster appliances launch at VMworld this week, server virtualization juggernaut VMware does not want to ...Full Article

VMware Embraces OpenStack Clouds, Docker Containers

Even if you can beat them, sometimes you join them anyway because that is easier and more expedient. And so at the VMworld event in San Francisco today, VMware ...Full Article

VMware Takes On Hyperconvergence Upstarts With EVO:RAIL

For the past several years, VMware has concentrated on turning server virtualization into clouds, and it left one of its flanks unguarded as it coped with the onslaught of ...Full Article

Platform9 Emerges From Stealth To Unify Virtualization Management

The cloud ecosystem continues to expand as a group of ex-VMware engineers have emerged from stealth mode to launch a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform aimed at managing private clouds. ...Full Article

Virtual SANs And Networks Taking Off, Says VMware

The transformation of virtualized servers into clouds continues apace at enterprises, and is driving VMware to new heights. The company is now at a $6 billion annual run rate, ...Full Article

Big Switch Brings Hyperscale SDN To Enterprises

Big Switch Networks, a networking startup that was spun out of the Stanford University labs that created the OpenFlow protocol that underpins a lot of software-defined networking stacks, is ...Full Article

VMware, Microsoft Rule X86 Server Virtualization

In many ways, the choice of a server virtualization technology is more important for a large enterprise than is the choice of the underlying physical server platform. While the ...Full Article
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